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Sun Conjunct Mercury

Today's Sun-Mercury merger in practical Taurus favors financial discussions and analysis. If you have a partner, today is a good time to talk about your financial goals for the future, or bring up any ... read more
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Your Spiritual Compatibility

Your partner makes you laugh. You both enjoy the same sorts of activities. And best of all, you're amazingly physically attracted to each other. Sounds like a perfect match, right? Well, sort of read more

Money is Energy

It's true, money is energy. Where you put it says everything about what you value, who you are and even your spiritual outlook. Do you spend it the minute it hits your account or do you squirrel it away ... read more

Is It Real Love?

After much searching, you've finally found the perfect match! But like everything in life it's never quite that simple. You soon discovered that while you fancy each other you don't share any of the same ... read more

The Art of Delegating

Let's face it. Some of us are control freaks. We like to have a hand - and a say - in everything that happens, everywhere, all the time. But if you want to get ahead at work, making the most of your time ... read more
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