Is It Real Love?

After much searching, you've finally found the perfect match! But like everything in life it's never quite that simple. You soon discovered that while you fancy each other you don't share any of the same ... read more

The Art of Delegating

Let's face it. Some of us are control freaks. We like to have a hand - and a say - in everything that happens, everywhere, all the time. But if you want to get ahead at work, making the most of your time ... read more

Lift Your Spirits

So, it's just one of those days, or weeks, when your spirits seem to be off kilter. Perhaps it's a reaction to something someone said or did, the morning news, the call you got from your lover - or maybe ... read more

Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury enters Taurus today (through June 12), which favors getting practical about what you want. Taurus is a pragmatic Earth sign, after all. It can help you take some small steps - or larger ones, if ... read more

Why Therapy?

So you called your psychic, or several psychics, hoping that they would see that dark cloud of unhappiness that's been shadowing you for a while now ... read more
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California Psychics blogger Julia ... read more
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