Aries Femme Fatales

Gutsy, sexy and independent, the Mars-ruled Aries woman has a touch of macho in her personality. Her femininity is fueled by courage and a passionate joie de vivre. She also values youthfulness and seldom ... read more

Your Moral Compass

Do you always know what to do in situations where others aren't sure? You may define morality as abiding by rules, doing good unto others, following your internal impulses or all of the above. Yet ... read more

Just Married – Again!

When a true love connection gets difficult, even couple's with the best of intentions, can back off wondering if "happily ever after" is really meant to be. Rather than working through their frustrations ... read more

Aries Bad Boys

Mae West could have described the Aries man when she quipped, "When I'm good I'm very, good, but when I'm bad, I'm better." The Mars-ruled Ram is oh so charming as you see in film actors Russell Crowe, ... read more

The Real Easter

Believe it or not, every single one of our most beloved Easter traditions - decorated eggs, bunnies, baskets, feasts and the sunrise service - dates back to pre-Christian spring celebrations, including the ... read more
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Sexual Soulmates

Ah, chemistry. There is very little in this world as intense - or wonderful - as mind-blowing sex. When you physically connect with someone so deeply that it feels like getting into bed (or wherever), it's ... read more
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