Aries Bad Boys

Mae West could have described the Aries man when she quipped, "When I'm good I'm very, good, but when I'm bad, I'm better." The Mars-ruled Ram is oh so charming as you see in film actors Russell Crowe, ... read more

The Real Easter

Believe it or not, every single one of our most beloved Easter traditions - decorated eggs, bunnies, baskets, feasts and the sunrise service - dates back to pre-Christian spring celebrations, including the ... read more
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Sexual Soulmates

Ah, chemistry. There is very little in this world as intense - or wonderful - as mind-blowing sex. When you physically connect with someone so deeply that it feels like getting into bed (or wherever), it's ... read more

Venus Goes Mad

Your love life may resemble a roller-coaster ride this month as some erratic Venus transits affect relationships. Venus is currently retrograde in Aries, but it steps back into Pisces for a time before ... read more

Meet Your Mate

These days, more and more people are finding their perfect mate on the Internet via online dating - though a few unlucky ones are finding their perfect online-dating sob story! What if Internet dating just ... read more

Mercury Trines Pluto

You might just uncover a secret or two because of today's Mercury-Pluto trine. Mercury rules the mind, while Pluto rules whatever is hidden from view. Put the two together and some intriguing stuff may ... read more

Pluto in Retrograde

How deep would you be willing to go to be empowered? That will be the question posed by Pluto when the planet of power and transformation turns retrograde on April 4, 2009 for five months. Pluto rules the ... read more
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