3 Energy Boosters

Even when the days are long and the sun is out, do you still feel low? If so, know you're not alone. Fortunately if you're dragging a bit, it's easy to lift your energy during this changing season. To do ... read more

Think On Your Feet

Have you ever had the experience where the very thing you should have said sprung to mind right as you got to your car? If only you could have had that snappy comeback in the moment! Or perhaps you've ... read more
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Bedroom Makeover

Wanna kick start your love life? There's no better way than to give your bedroom a makeover. While this may sound intense and expensive, all things considered (you've used up every ounce of cash and energy ... read more

Venus Squares Pluto

Romantic collisions are likely during today's Venus-Pluto square. This troublesome influence heightens jealousy, control issues and compulsive behavior, especially for Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. ... read more

Still Have Issues?

An issue is something that interrupts your thoughts constantly, that's waiting to drive you nuts when you open your eyes in the morning, that makes you feel wounded or inadequate, that sits in the middle ... read more

April 2009 Forecast

Lovers everywhere will celebrate Venus turning direct on April 17, 2009, which enables relationships to move forward after six weeks of backtracking. Creative projects will get a boost as well. Until then, ... read more

Tough Psychic Love

When people are in emotional pain they just want life to hurry up and change their life - fast! But change doesn't necessarily mean relief. The way things usually work, when it comes to life lessons, is ... read more
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