The Vernal Equinox

Don't you just feel it? Everything feels fresh and new. And the biggest gift is the light, because when day and night are of equal length, the cycle shifts toward daylight's time to rule - and we're all ... read more

Sun Enters Aries

Ahh, spring is in the air! The Sun entering Aries on March 20, 2009 heralds the Vernal Equinox - the first day of spring - and a fresh start for everyone. It's time to clear away stuff you don't need so ... read more

Literal Dreams

Most dreams are symbolic, meaning the imaginary and scenarios are fantastic, exaggerated or otherwise unrealistic. If you dream of flying without an airplane or having sex with Hugh Jackman, then your ... read more

Love Rushes In

"Sometimes as a psychic, my job is simply to reassure clients that their life will change for the better if they just let go of the things that aren't working for them. Most people hang on to not-so-bad ... read more

What Exactly is Luck?

Webster's online dictionary defines luck as "a force that brings good fortune or adversity," or "the events or circumstances which operate for or against an individual." Considering this definition, it's ... read more

Dark Side of the Moon

On this day in 1973, Pink Floyd released their legendary album Dark Side of the Moon. Arguably the first ever "concept" album, its songs explore the nature of the human experience from childhood's ... read more
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Cosmic Wine

Planetary alignment affects all the aspects of our lives, so why wouldn't it affect wine? According to some revolutionary winemakers, it does! That's the reasoning behind biodynamic winemaking. Based ... read more
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