Have a Backup Plan

Have you ever seen those Worst Case Scenario... books that tell you what to do if, say, the boat you're on capsizes or your wallet is stolen while in a foreign country? While those instances may ... read more

Moon in Leo

Moon in Leo casts a passionate, generous vibe over today's activities, especially in romance. The Lion loves attention and appreciation, making it the perfect time to tell the people you love how you feel ... read more
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Sexy Careers by Sign

Whether you're like the millions of Americans laid off from work or you're just bored by your job and looking to switch things up, a change of perspective might just be the ticket you need to start feeling ... read more

Venus Retrograde

Venus turns retrograde for roughly a six week period every 18 months. This year, the retrograde period of the Planet of Love will occur on March 6, 2009 in Aries, where she will appear to be ... read more

The Psychic Path

How does the gift of intuition end up becoming one's life work? A few of our newest psychics came to the conclusion that they were meant to be a professional intuitive during very different pivotal moments ... read more

Adventurous 5

While Pisces may be known for being easy-going (pushovers, even), those born on March 5 are anything but. In fact, people born on the 5th, 14th and 23rd of the month are ... read more

Do You Value You?

It's easy to say that you value yourself. After all, your self-esteem is pretty solid. You know that you're smart, capable and loveable... You may even think you're pretty terrific (and let's face it, you ... read more

Moon Madness

Social energy escalates today during Moon in chatty Gemini. Although Saturn depresses feelings in the morning (Pacific time), other aspects heighten self-expression throughout the day. A rousing Moon-Mars ... read more
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