Dating Young

Celebrities are doing it, so are your neighbors, even your grandmother may have gotten in on the action. Dating young has become the soup de jour of the decade. Some applaud the movement, others judge it, ... read more

Exit Your Comfort Zone

It's easy to become a creature of habit, favoring the same foods, styles, music or friends for years until we've fallen into a predictable rut. You may be comfortable this way - ordering the same items ... read more

Pisces and You

Pisces are known for their keen intuition. But did you know that in your chart, the "House" Pisces rules can reveal how and where you naturally use your own intuitive powers? For instance, if you have ... read more

New Moon in Pisces

February 24, 2009 brings us the day of the New Moon, often referred to as the Dark Moon. This astronomical event marks the day when the Moon's orbit around the Earth places her directly between us and the ... read more

Break Up to Breakthrough

You tried the best way you could to make the union work. But alas, the relationship turned ugly. They screamed, you cried, you screamed some more. Perhaps, the breakup dragged on and on for months - you ... read more

Psychic Sponge

If you've noticed that the Pisces in your life is a bit like a psychic sponge - absorbing the feelings and emotions of everyone around - that's because the Fishes are ruled by Neptune, the planet of ... read more
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