March 2009 Forecast

Socializing soars at the beginning of March 2009 as a trio of Aquarius conjunctions involving Mercury, Mars and Neptune set a friendly, unconventional tone. Brainstorming and imaginative thinking are ... read more

Mercury Conjunct Mars

Mercury conjunct Mars in Aquarius fires up discussions today, especially in group situations. Innovative, pioneering and even revolutionary ideas are favored. Science, technology and humanitarian projects ... read more

Valuable Sex Requests

Couples who talk about sex have better sex. Whether what you want in the bedroom is veritably vanilla or downright dirty, you owe it to yourself and your partner to ask for what you want. Life is just too ... read more

Dating Young

Celebrities are doing it, so are your neighbors, even your grandmother may have gotten in on the action. Dating young has become the soup de jour of the decade. Some applaud the movement, others judge it, ... read more

Exit Your Comfort Zone

It's easy to become a creature of habit, favoring the same foods, styles, music or friends for years until we've fallen into a predictable rut. You may be comfortable this way - ordering the same items ... read more
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