Venus Conjunct Uranus

Sexual chemistry revs up romance today as Venus conjuncts Uranus. It's all about spontaneity. Sudden attractions - and just as sudden breakups - are typical of this influence. Because it takes place in ... read more

Aquarius Profile

Is your inner rebel ready to rock 'n' roll? As the Sun transits through Aquarius from January 19 - February 18, 2009, you may find yourself ready to shake things up. With unconventional Uranus as its ... read more

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon is in gregarious Sagittarius today, which casts an aura of optimism and fun over today's activities, especially if you're a Fire sign (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius). This influence can also prompt ... read more

The Importance of Ritual

In this unpredictable and always-on-the-go world we live in, rituals provide us with a sense of security, stability, connectedness and belonging. Whether it's sipping that cup of yerba mate tea each ... read more

How to Be Engaging

Is there anything more intimidating than conversations with smart conversationalists? We've all been there. Perhaps it's a formal dinner party, a work function or a gathering of friends read more

Love Being Single

Being in love is a wonderful experience - but that doesn't mean being single has to be a terrible thing. In fact, if you embrace your "solohood" with the right attitude, you can turn it into one of the ... read more
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