Mars Conjunct Pluto

Mars conjuncts Pluto today, which produces a dynamic surge of energy that can be used to empower bedroom romps, career pursuits, financial activities - or just about anything that ignites your passion. ... read more
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My Life as an Astrologer

Astrology is like a second skin for me. And life as an astrologer can be a bit, well, strange. Having studied planetary influences since the age of 10, I'm intuitively aware of what the planets ... read more

Tips to Snuggle Up

When the days grow cold, it's the perfect time to snuggle up and, well... let your imagination finish the sentence. There's nothing more romantic than a warm, wet kiss in the cold. What about a crackling ... read more

Mercury Trines Saturn

Communications are anything but light-hearted today as talkative Mercury forms a trine to serious Saturn. You may not feel like flirting, but it's a great time for straight-forward discussions, which can ... read more

The True Meaning of Christmas

We come together to celebrate life, peace, joy and connectedness, our psychics remind us during the holiday season. Whether you celebrate Christmas for religious, spiritual or traditional reasons, it is a ... read more

Your Own Peace on Earth

World peace is such a daunting idea, right? Of course we all want it, but how can we contribute to such a large concept in our simple-yet-complicated lives? Most of us can't quit our jobs to meditate in a ... read more

Merry Christmas!

Millions of people across the globe celebrate Christmas today, in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ. Whatever you believe, however, today is a day to be kind to yourself and to others - strangers and ... read more
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