Capricorn Profile

The Sun entered Capricorn on December 21, 2008 the great Winter Solstice, which marks the longest night of the year - so now is a good time to set your goals and think about your resolutions. Make the most ... read more

Love Sees No Religion

You are decorating the Christmas Tree in one room while your partner is reading the Quran in the next one. Or perhaps you are preparing to light the menorah while your partner is devoutly and passionately ... read more

Three Kings

The story of the Three Kings, or Three Wisemen of the Nativity story in Christianity, comes to the forefront around this time of year. Also known as the Magi, according to the Bible, Three Kings visited ... read more

DreamCast: Bees

I've been having some marital problems and lately and I've been seeing bees in my dreams and in waking life. In my dreams they don't make me nervous or anxious, but in real life they sure do. Last ... read more

Happy Hanukkah!

Tonight at sundown marks the beginning of Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. The holiday is celebrated over a period of eight days in which Jewish families light the candles of the Menorah - one the ... read more
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