The Star

The 17th Card of the Tarot is The Star, and those who draw it are indeed in luck! While The Star doesn't suggest immediate change, it brings with it clarity of vision and spiritual insight. Ruled by ... read more

Sound Business Advice

A business reading can be much like a relationship reading. People call to get the best dates to begin a new business relationship, find out what the future looks like and learn how to navigate roadblocks ... read more
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Ghosts of a Holiday Past

The holidays can be tough - particularly if you're single and broken hearted. It doesn't matter whether the breakup was last week, last month or even last year (or if prior to Thanksgiving weekend, you ... read more

The Allure of Winter

We often speak of getting through the winter and surviving it, rather than understanding the true magic hidden in the long dark months of the year. Besides being the season of many holidays and offering us ... read more

Mind Over Madness

We all want the holidays to be enjoyable, relaxing and a little indulgent, but sometimes the stress of having to do so much in a short amount of time sends us over the brink. We often feel pressured to do ... read more

Exclusive Gifts of Love

You want to shower your soulmate with fabulous gifts, but this year the budget just won't stretch to cover the cost of a romantic trip to Antigua or a seriously bling-ed out watch or that weekend retreat ... read more

Death Card

You think it would be a fun idea to have a Tarot reading, but then - gasp! The Death card gets pulled. The 13th card in the Tarot deck is also the most misunderstood. Death signifies a transformation and ... read more
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