Pluto Enters Capricorn

After spending 13 years in Sagittarius, Pluto starts its 16-year transit through Capricorn today, which is sure to rattle our comfort zones to some degree. Pluto can cause quite a bit of upheaval. Its ... read more

Food by Element

Are you adventurous when it comes to food, willing to try anything once? Or are you a turkey-and-potatoes person who likes simple, well prepared meals? Although your Sun sign holds some clues to the foods ... read more

A Psychic Find

Some readings stand out in a psychic's mind because the whole experience was a bit of an adventure. "On this particular call my client and I really connected and despite the fact that she was in great ... read more

Spotlight on Sagittarius

Get ready to party as we make our way through fun-loving Sagittarius from November 21 - December 20, 2008. Sagittarius energy inspires optimism, freedom and generosity. But it's not just about fun - this ... read more

The Art of Sex Compliments

Oh, inhibition. Whether it's fear that we don't look good, perform well or sound the way we're "supposed to" in bed, everyone has felt insecure at one time or another, sexually speaking. And we all know, ... read more
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