Venus Conjuncts Pluto

Passion escalates during the Venus-Pluto conjunction today. Along with the sexy sizzle, some dark stuff may arise as well, especially if your weakness is jealousy, manipulation, secrecy or control. That's ... read more

Sun Trines Uranus

The Sun trines Uranus today, which can help you discover innovative ideas and solutions in the unlikeliest of places. It's all about thinking outside the box. Seeking out unconventional people and ... read more

Happy For No Reason

Does your happiness always feel just out of reach, especially in these uncertain financial and political times? Are you sure that once you have that thing - the right job, the perfect partner, a great set ... read more

Did I Really Say That?

Ever wish that what you said could be printed out on a little piece of white paper before you said it? Then you could re-word, re-phrase or just delete something if it didn't land just the way you wanted ... read more

Moon Aspects

Emotional upheaval - and a possible breakthrough - are likely during today's Moon-Saturn-Uranus conflict. This especially applies to Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Look to see if you're stuck in a ... read more
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