Did I Really Say That?

Ever wish that what you said could be printed out on a little piece of white paper before you said it? Then you could re-word, re-phrase or just delete something if it didn't land just the way you wanted ... read more

Moon Aspects

Emotional upheaval - and a possible breakthrough - are likely during today's Moon-Saturn-Uranus conflict. This especially applies to Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. Look to see if you're stuck in a ... read more

Seasonal Reformation

The Moon in Aquarius heightens the urge for change when it collides with Scorpio influences today. It's a great motivating energy for reform, so look to see what needs to change in your life - and go for ... read more

Saturn Opposes Uranus

An explosive Saturn-Uranus opposition is sure to rattle some nerves. Saturn strives to maintain the status quo, while Uranus evokes rebellion and change. So between now and August 2010, when the two titans ... read more
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Infidelity and Gender

No matter who you are or what your relationship is like, there will always be temptation. Few are those who report that the grass isn't at least occasionally greener in their mind's eye. Whether it's that ... read more
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