Mars Squares Neptune

Taking action today may prove difficult as decisive Mars squares off against nebulous Neptune. If you're feeling a bit foggy about what to do, it may be best to postpone making major decisions until ... read more

The Art of Non-Attachment

Many spiritual books and meditations these days talk about incorporating the Buddhist art of non-attachment into our everyday lives as a means of relieving stress. For some, this process may bring up ... read more

Dia De Los Muertos

In Mexico, today is the second day of Dia De Los Muertos (or Day of the Dead). This two-day event honoring those who have passed on, dates back over 3,000 years, but it almost didn't survive the Spanish ... read more

Neptune Goes Direct

Watery Neptune, residing in Airy Aquarius since January of 1998, entered its retrograde period on May 26, 2008, and will break its backward spin in the same sign on November 2, 2008. The effects of the ... read more

November Forecast

Get ready for a wild ride as the planets evoke passion, freedom and revolution throughout November for all signs of the zodiac. From secrets and lies to politics and finances, your love life will be ... read more
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Celebrity Astrologer

Famous "Society Palmist," Cheiro, was born on this day in 1866. Also known as Count Louis Hamon, Cheiro was the celebrity astrologer and palm reader of his day - reading for the likes of Mark Twain, Sarah ... read more
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Spell For Seduction

Romance and Halloween may sound like a strange combination, but really, they're a perfect fit. With ghosts, goblins, witches and monsters roaming free on the streets, you couldn't find a better time to ... read more

Unmask The Real You

Clearly Frankenstein and Cleopatra were ruses, but what about the faces you put forward at work or at parties, with your partners, children, mentors and friends? Chances are, you're never the same "you" in ... read more


Boo! Today is Halloween and while you may immediately think of images of trick or treaters and jack-o-lanterns, Halloween is an age old holiday that originated by the ancient Celts in Ireland. The day was ... read more
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