Give Your Life an Audit

A strange thing happens when you reach adulthood: You sometimes realize that what you always wanted isn't really what you want anymore. The desire you've always held to be a teacher, stock broker, lawyer, ... read more

Moon Squares Pluto

Emotional tension rises during today's Moon-Pluto square. Anger and other challenging feelings that you've been suppressing are likely to erupt to the surface, especially if you're a Gemini, Virgo, ... read more

Sun Into Scorpio

The Sun enters Scorpio today, which places an emphasis on intimacy, healing, and personal transformation. This influence can rev up the sexual energy and deepen the intimacy between you and your partner. ... read more

Setbacks as Opportunities

Have you ever felt like if it weren't for bad luck, you wouldn't have any luck at all? Most people go through periods of time, long or short, when it just seems as if no matter what you do, something is ... read more

Psychic Pet Finder

Sometimes it's easier to read pets than people. Animals are open and receptive, while people may be blocked and uncomfortable reveals Clairvoyant and Empath, Char, who gets a great deal of satisfaction ... read more

Cancer Moon Influence

The Last-quarter Moon in Cancer today can create some tension between you and a family member or partner. You may find yourself having to compromise over what you want and what your partner or family ... read more
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