Miracle of the Sun

Marian apparitions - occurrences where people say they have witnessed the Virgin Mary - are recorded throughout history. One such famous mystery happened in Portugal on this day in 1917. Three shepherd ... read more

Release Negative Energy

You may not be aware of it, but sometimes that age-old adage is true: you are your own worst enemy. Oftentimes it's the subtle negative self-talk ("What if I can't..." "I am so stupid!" "I'll never be able ... read more

Venus Squares Neptune

Love collides with fantasy when Venus squares Neptune today, especially for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. You'll need to remove the rose-colored glasses when meeting someone new. Even interactions ... read more

Friends With Benefits

With one song lyric, singer Alanis Morrisette coined the phrase "friends with benefits" - and captured the essence of a whole new type of relationship - two people who are physically intimate, without ... read more

Express Your Higher Self

We all want to be loved by a partner who sees us for who we are - and embraces us. Yet sometimes in relationships it's easy to think that honesty is not necessarily the best policy, especially when it ... read more

They Want You Back!

Are you a lost love that someone is desperate to win back? Are they pleading with you swearing, "they have changed..." "seen the light" or realized there was never anyone else in the world for ... read more

Sex Appeal by Sign

We all have our own ideas about which sign we're most attracted to. Maybe your high school boyfriend was a Gemini and you've been missing the twins ever since. Or your last ex was a Taurus, so you're dead ... read more
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