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Untangle Yourself!

"I can't live without you!" Many people long to hear those words. It is a common expression used to articulate how much you are loved, wanted, needed. Hearing those words can surely make you feel safe and ... read more

Nothing Stays The Same

Change is the one true constant in life. It has no boundaries, it challenges us all and it frightens many of us. But without change life is static - we cannot grow and we cannot learn. There is no progress ... read more

October Forecast

Love and lust are the focus now as multiple planets make their way through twosome-oriented Libra and sexy Scorpio. To start off, the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Libra favor cooperation, negotiation and ... read more

A Mini Mind Spa

You're stressed, you're angry, you're overwhelmed, you're always feeling a "Calgon, take me away" moment is in order. As much as you'd love to go to that posh spa your friends have been telling you about, ... read more

Same Sex, Same Issues?

Whatever your partner's gender, most relationships aren't just blissful candlelight dinners and snuggles on Sunday mornings. Disagreements can erupt over almost anything, from hot-button topics like money ... read more
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