Long Live Chivalry

Miguel de Cervantes, the author of one of the most important works of modern literature, Don Quixote, was born on this day in Spain (1547). He entered earth as Jupiter Sextiled Neptune, an influence ... read more

Mercury Trines Neptune

Brainy Mercury trines imaginative Neptune today. This influence can sharpen your intuition and connection to the universe, so pay attention to your gut feelings. It can also awaken your creativity, ... read more

Signs From The Universe

Have you ever mulled over an important choice, such as ending a relationship, only to have a strange "coincidence" or two appear that seemed to point you in the right direction? Perhaps you got into your ... read more
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Don’t Assume They’re It

Their smile makes your heart flutter. The scent of their hair sends tingles through your spine. Friends and family take note of your new lease on life, and your boss and co-workers are curious as to why ... read more

How to Nurture New Love

Finally! Your search is over - at least for the moment. You've found someone and you both think you're compatible (and in love). You love the way they laugh, look, smell and kiss. You're fascinated by ... read more

Give Yourself a Break!

Is your to do list so long you never seem to get to the bottom of it? Do you repeatedly beat yourself up for not being able to accomplish everything you set out to do each day... week... month? Are you ... read more

Sexy Affirmations

Lots of people practice affirmations. They know that by saying things, in the form of an affirmation, it can help solidify that belief within them, which leads to manifestation later on. We use ... read more
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