The Planet of Love

Ah, Venus - the planet known in astrology to bless us with sensuality, pleasure, sex and love. In the past, astrologers and astronomers were one and the same. So, it may help us to look at the astronomy of ... read more

It’s Elemental

Relationships formed between people who have the same element (earth, air, fire, water) usually meet on common ground. Fire with fire is bound to be smokin', earth with earth is sure to be steady, air with ... read more

Fear Factor

From the time we are little, we experience fear ("Mommy, don't turn the lights out!"). Even before there are words to express it, fear is there. Take for instance a mother who jets out of the house for a ... read more

Ways to Escape in Love

Don't let a rocky economy keep you from having fun, being intimate and making memorable plans with your lover. In these challenging times, even if you can't afford to get away on vacation, or even for the ... read more

Venus Opposes Neptune

Illusionary Neptune opposes Venus today, creating some confusion in relationships. Neptune rules fantasy, so you'll need to remove the rose-colored glasses when relating to your sweetie (or prospective ... read more
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