Ways to Escape in Love

Don't let a rocky economy keep you from having fun, being intimate and making memorable plans with your lover. In these challenging times, even if you can't afford to get away on vacation, or even for the ... read more

Venus Opposes Neptune

Illusionary Neptune opposes Venus today, creating some confusion in relationships. Neptune rules fantasy, so you'll need to remove the rose-colored glasses when relating to your sweetie (or prospective ... read more

August 2008 Forecast

The New Moon in dramatic Leo on August 1, 2008 creates a fiery beginning to the month. It's all about romance, creativity and expressing what's in your heart. Mercury and Venus in Leo add to the passion, ... read more

Sun Conjunct Mercury

Brainpower and creativity merge when the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Leo today. Mercury rules ideas and communications, while the Sun and Leo are all about creativity. So it's a great time to promote projects ... read more

Too Much Information

Today it is harder than ever to get to know someone, and the problem is not a lack of information! We are overloaded with input from everywhere - especially if you Google someone before you even ... read more
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