How Much Sex is Enough?

Do we really want more sex? We may think we do, but when real life comes crashing in - sleep deprivation, work stress, and that uber-libido challenge of children in the next room - dreams of sweaty nights ... read more

Past Life Dreams

Have you ever had an unusually vivid dream that was set in another time and place? Perhaps you saw yourself sitting in a horse-drawn carriage, wearing a high-necked, long dress that resembled the Victorian ... read more

Moon in Aries

How daring are you willing to be? That's the question posed by the Moon's transit through Aries today and tomorrow. Aries is ruled by passionate, headstrong Mars. This influence urges you to take a risk in ... read more

Know Thyself

Life's not simply a search for happiness - it's a search for self. If you think about it, everything you do, from grade school to team sports to working to falling in and out of love, is about getting to ... read more

Moon Opposition Mars

Moon in Pisces opposes Mars in Virgo today. The Moon rules feelings, Pisces rules dreams, Mars is the "go for it" planet, and Virgo rules work. So the question is, are you acknowledging your feelings ... read more
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