A Double Trine!

Both sexual sizzle and creative energy are amplified today, when loving Venus trines Uranus, the planet of romantic chemistry, and brainy Mercury trines Neptune, the planet of divine inspiration. Venus ... read more
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Sex You Regret

It happens. In the spur of the moment, you make a decision based on your hormones rather than your intellect... or you sleep with an ex you really shouldn't even be talking to (remember, it didn't work for ... read more
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New Moon in Cancer

Expressing what's in your heart is what the New Moon in Cancer is all about. On July 2, 2008 the New Moon launches a two week cycle of heightened emotional expression. It also energizes family activities. ... read more

July Forecast

Ah, July - the most patriotic and festive month of summer with its exploding fireworks, water fun, clear hot skies and laughter. In 2008, you can expect this and a fair amount of challenges with ... read more
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