Mercury Turns Direct!

Hooray, Mercury turns direct today! That pesky retrograde influence that derailed your plans and messed with your travel arrangements over the past three weeks, is coming to an end. Meaning, you'll now be ... read more

They Cheated, Now What?

How do you pick up the pieces when a marriage has suffered an indiscretion? Can one honestly forgive their mate for the ultimate betrayal and make a fresh start together? Or, is divorce the best answer? ... read more

Venus Opposes Pluto

Power-hungry Pluto opposes loving Venus today and tomorrow, which can cause all sorts of havoc in relationships. Be on the lookout for that green-eyed monster, jealously, along with the sudden urge to ... read more

Hitting Rock Bottom

The steamroller of fate has pulverized you and left you flat. Well-meaning friends and co-workers have been telling you that you need to get over it, to move on, to even get a life! Yes, everyone's life ... read more
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