Retrograde Energy

Two planets turn retrograde today: Mercury (through June 18) and Neptune (through October 31). This high dose of retrograde energy favors introspection and perusing the past. On the challenging side, ... read more

Venus Transits Gemini

Get ready to flirt up a storm as Venus transits into witty Gemini today. Love has an airy vibe now, so lighten up with some verbal repartee to get things rolling in the romance arena. And since Gemini ... read more

First Date Sins

There's no second chance at a first impression, so why sabotage a first date? Look, everyone's nervous, but that's no excuse to leave your manners at the door, your boundaries back at home and your brain ... read more

Mend a Broken Heart

California Psychics are well-versed on the subject of dealing with broken hearts. The mix of shock, confusion, anger, loss of self-esteem and jealousy which creates that excruciatingly painful hole in ... read more
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Be Joyful in Love

Whether you've just started dating or you've been together for years, one thing is probably true - as a couple, you and your partner could always be a little closer. After all, intimacy - of the true ... read more
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