Resolving The Past

When callers to California Psychics ask for a general reading, the information presented to a psychic can be a broad look at one's future, rather than a focus on the more specific topics of love or work. ... read more

Loving Unavailable People

Oh, why do we love those that can't love us back? It's the agony of romantic comedies, tragedies and endless journal entries. If you are stuck in the sad pattern of falling into relationships that leave ... read more

Mercury Trines Jupiter

Look for opportunities through communications and travel when brainy Mercury trines lucky Jupiter today. Both Mercury and Jupiter are in practical Earth signs, so keeping talk (and flirting) real will get ... read more

Money Isn’t Everything

Right now, it's hard to not hear reports about home foreclosures, rising gas prices, job losses and the recession. Sure the numbers seem bad, but sometimes, it's not what you hear, ... read more

Mantras and Affirmations

While venturing along the paths to making our dreams come true, getting a boost from affirmations, mantras and even love potions certainly can't hurt us. But just how positive and effective are these ... read more
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