Money Isn’t Everything

Right now, it's hard to not hear reports about home foreclosures, rising gas prices, job losses and the recession. Sure the numbers seem bad, but sometimes, it's not what you hear, ... read more

Mantras and Affirmations

While venturing along the paths to making our dreams come true, getting a boost from affirmations, mantras and even love potions certainly can't hurt us. But just how positive and effective are these ... read more


It's a beautiful day, and life is going on pretty much as it should. You are minding your own business, going through the motions of your daily routine, when out of the blue you get a sinking feeling in ... read more

Love Him or Leave Him?

When couples are about to take the plunge, potential mates do get wet feet. It's only natural, when on a path from engaged to married that some may stop and wonder whether their partnership is actually ... read more

Work It at Work

Your relationships with co-workers demands a strong sense of balance. In many ways, they are less flexible than friendships and romances. When something isn't working, walking away isn't a valid option, ... read more
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