Perfect Seduction by Sign

Spoil your love for an evening or help them celebrate a birthday or a special event in the perfect romantic setting designed to appeal specifically to their senses. You can set the mood, the table, select ... read more
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The Kama Sutra’s Magic

While the Kama Sutra is generally linked to sex, many of its elements can be applied to simply connecting male and female energy in and out of the bedroom. After all, the "Kama" for whom this Sutra (which ... read more

Enlightened Sex Tips

The most important difference between sex and spiritual sex is intention. Enlightened intercourse is still physically pleasurable but it's so much more - you get to connect with your partner on an ... read more

Venus Enters Libra

Venus will be in the sign that she rules, Libra, from November 8 through December 5, 2007. What can we expect from this Venus transit? The opportunity for love, beauty and harmony to prevail. Venus energy ... read more

A Sexy New Moon

Get ready for some dark and steamy bedroom antics in the next two weeks. A new moon always brings us a fresh burst of invigorating energy each month, but when the new moon is in carnal water sign Scorpio ... read more
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