Search Results for: meditation

Know Thyself

Life's not simply a search for happiness - it's a search for self. If you think about it, everything you do, from grade school to team sports to working to falling in and out of love, is about getting to ... read more

Planetary Conversion

Logic and intuition merge after Mercury transits into homey, sensitive Cancer today (through July 25, 2008). Talks with family members and other loved ones are favored. It's also a great time for ... read more

Uranus Retrograde

Uranus, the planet of shocks, thrills and enlightenment, can produce some pandemonium in your life when it turns retrograde on June 26, 2008. It will stay there until Thanksgiving. Uranus is all about ... read more

Is Patience a Virtue?

Is patience still a virtue? Or is it an old-fashioned notion that's hopelessly out of sync with today's fast-moving, high-tech world, where instant gratification is expected? We all need to give ... read more

Mars Opposes Neptune

Action-oriented Mars collides with dreamy Neptune today, which can be a motivation killer. This influence creates a tug-of-war between going for it and letting things slide. It's also the master of mixed ... read more

Sun Squares Neptune

Tomorrow's Sun-Neptune square may throw you into a state of confusion or indecision, especially if you're a Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius. This influence heightens your imagination (and urge to ... read more

Mantras and Affirmations

While venturing along the paths to making our dreams come true, getting a boost from affirmations, mantras and even love potions certainly can't hurt us. But just how positive and effective are these ... read more

Affordable Love

Sure, we all like romantic dinner dates, nice hotels and stylish outings. But that's not all there is to dating and romance - and there are a lot of activities in that gray area between dining at a 5-Star ... read more
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