Men Are People Too

When it comes to men, our needs are simple (or not!). We want a comforter, a confidante, a champion and a cavalier. We want him to tremble at our sex appeal before he tucks us in at night then admire our ... read more

New Moon Initiatives

There are events in life that are undeniably new beginnings - the birth of a child, starting a job, moving into a new home, ending a relationship or becoming involved in an exciting new one. There are also ... read more

Unlucky 13

Expecting bad luck on Friday the 13th? Well, worry not because superstitions are often based on rumors and unrelated facts cobbled together, and the dread of the number 13 is no exception. ... read more

Praying Without Words

Prayer has been used as an important power throughout the ages, from the ancient Egyptians to Alcoholic Anonymous who uses it for members to help reach out to higher "sobering" power. Studies have even ... read more

How To Ask Him Out

Are you guilty of taking a passenger seat in your personal life? Move over! We hear time and again that the burden of posing the question is a responsibility most men don't relish. Let's face it, if you ... read more
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