Giving Up on a Dream

So how do you move on from an unfulfilled dream? As crazy as it sounds, the best way to move on is to discover a new dream. It may seem risky or even foolish to dream again, but dreaming is a crucial part ... read more

Unlock Your Secrets

No matter how pragmatic or analytical you are, you can't avoid it. You're a dreamer.  Everybody dreams.  We dream one to two hours a night, and typically experience four to seven dreams in that ... read more

Flirting Tips That Work

Flirting. It's fun, heart-wrenching, terrifying, and exhilarating. It's also an ancient art - and the more you know, the more fun you'll have! Use the flirting tips below to get their attention - even if ... read more

Plant Your Money Tree

Just like a real tree, money takes time to grow. It may also have to weather unforeseen financial storms - national recessions, a bout of unemployment or an expensive ... read more
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