Retrograde Planets

Do you have retrograde planets in your natal chart? Have you been told that this means that the area of your life the planet represents is unlucky or dysfunctional? Before you decide that you'll never be ... read more

Everyone is Medicine

A few years back a grocery delivery driver cut me off. Apparently, I had cut this man off in another parking lot a few minutes earlier. He got out of his car to cuss me out whereupon I quickly apologized. ... read more

Living With Joy

We are inspired by those rare individuals who live fully, maximizing their potential and radiating joy. Yet for the rest of us, life encourages a certain frenetic state of mind in large part due to ... read more

Get Out of Your Head

Our sensuality should be the most natural thing in the world, but too often we let our heads get in the way. Sex is physical. It's emotional. Sometimes it's even spiritual. But what it should not be - is ... read more

Cold Weather, Cold Heart?

The winter holidays have come and gone, but the cold weather still lingers. Even worse than the weather outside can be the cold you're feeling inside because of stress, loneliness, anxiety or fear. Here ... read more
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