Bringing Home the Bacon

Saving money can be a difficult task. After paying bills, buying nutritious organic food and getting a full tank of gas, what's left? Sigh. And yet according to MSN Money, we shouldn't blame our savings ... read more

Channel Your Inner Lilith

Lilith is a strong and sexual female archetype, who unfortunately (but not surprisingly) has gotten a bad rap throughout the ages. That's when happens when a patriarchal society and a threatening female ... read more

Wedding Resistant

Some people aren't anti-marriage, they just aren't ready for it. Other people don't want to get married - ever. But what happens when those people fall in love with marriage-minded partners?
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Different Dates

Dating can be fun. It can be wonderful in fact, but it's always a bit nerve-wracking. Sometimes in all the effort to make an ideal impression you can forget to really examine your suitor. Who is he or she ... read more

Bridge to a Higher Power

Chakras are energy centers, vortexes or portals within the body that receive, assimilate and transmit life energy. They are deeply connected to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In ... read more

The Forbidden Dance

Remember those dances held in your middle school gym? The girls stood on one side, the boys on the other, while everybody watched with envy as a handful of popular kids awkwardly swayed to Cyndi Lauper ... read more
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