Come to Your Senses

The second chakra, which is located in the lower abdominal area and sacral area, deals with our needs, our emotions and our sexuality. Swadhisthana, which means sweetness in Sanskrit, is associated with ... read more

Long Distance Love

Love is such a powerful thing, it can convince you that there's a way to "be" with someone without actually being in the same place as them. If you're considering such a relationship, take a long, hard ... read more

Keeping It Spicy

When you first fall in love there's a frisson of excitement just being near your love. Their very presence is electrifying! New couples often have trouble keeping their hands off each other, while ... read more

Open Your Heart

You are not alone if you want a little more love in your life. Yet you may be forgetting the one person who can fill your whole life with love - you! By opening your heart to life, to others and to ... read more

Show Instead of Tell

You want to tell your partner "I love you," but you don't want to say it in so many words. In fact you don't want to use any words at all. Perhaps you aren't ready to say the "L" word even though you feel ... read more

Movie Magic

Sure, it isn't real. We all know romance on the silver screen is born of beautiful people, legions of writers and great lighting. But there's a reason we keep going to see the movies. Drama, comedy, action ... read more

Goddess Brigid

Looking for a fiery female to pattern your life after? Forget Bridget Jones - channel the goddess she was named after instead. Revered as both a pagan goddess and a Catholic saint, Brigid helped everyone ... read more
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