Live Like an Egyptian

Talk about girl power! According to Egyptian legend, Nuit, more accurately known as Nut (Noot) forms the gateway between heaven and earth. She is the goddess of the sky, and her celestial blue cloak is ... read more

Heal Your Heart

The heart is the epicenter of the entire chakra system. It's the core of our being. Therefore, the basic right of the fourth chakra, which is situated in the heart region, is to love and to be loved. By ... read more

The Second Time Around

From Sam and Diane to Ross and Rachel, audiences love to root for a couple to get back together. But while it's pretty darn romantic on TV, reuniting with an ex in real life can be quiet a challenge. Here ... read more

Break Those Bad Habits!

Whether it's smoking a pack a day, cursing too much or overeating, everyone seems to have a nasty little habit. Follow these practical steps for breaking bad habits and you'll be living a happier, ... read more

Take The Next Step

Whether you're considering a second date or a second honeymoon, moving forward is a big risk. If you carefully examine your motivations, set realistic expectations and weigh sacrifices with gains, you'll ... read more
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