Goddess Brigid

Looking for a fiery female to pattern your life after? Forget Bridget Jones - channel the goddess she was named after instead. Revered as both a pagan goddess and a Catholic saint, Brigid helped everyone ... read more

Trust Your Gut

The third chakra, which corresponds to our solar plexus, is situated above the navel in the softest part of our torso. This is where our personal power and sense of individuality resides. This chakra is ... read more

Sweet Revenge

Being dumped is one of the worst feelings on earth. The worst part is knowing that while your ex is off living a fabulous life, you can't stop thinking about them. Here are our top three ways for getting ... read more

Live Like an Egyptian

Talk about girl power! According to Egyptian legend, Nuit, more accurately known as Nut (Noot) forms the gateway between heaven and earth. She is the goddess of the sky, and her celestial blue cloak is ... read more
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