Love at First Sight

Ever wondered why you're attracted to certain guys? According to a recent study, at least a few of the answers are face value - quite literally! At least one British research source claims that women ... read more
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Be Careful what you Wish for…

On May 13th, a full moon in Scorpio will stir sexually charged energies and awaken an appetite for drama and instability. Consciously or subconsciously, you may be tempted to make bold, even reckless ... read more
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Be Careful what you Wish for

On May 13th, a full moon in Scorpio will stir sexually charged energies and awaken an appetite for drama and instability. Consciously or subconsciously, you may be tempted to make bold, even reckless ... read more

Alternative Measures

If you're like most people, you want to be healthy in mind, body and spirit. This is the ideal of a New Age lifestyle: balance. Where there is yin, there is yang, where there is hot there is cold and so ... read more

Obvious Sex Tips

Listen up, lovers. These might seem like really obvious observations to enhance your sex life, but you'd be amazed at how many lovers (all the world over!) don't have a clue. Master these principles and ... read more

The Signs of Your Success

Success at work really depends on having the correct answers to these questions: Where do you shine? When does luck dog your heels? What makes you optimistic? How do you naturally generate prosperity? What ... read more

Feeling Feverish?

It's little over a month into spring, and many of us are feeling it. The days are longer, brighter and more inviting. Tasks that were imperative a few months ago are suddenly tedious... read more

Talk to Your Animals

Dr. Doolittle isn't the only one who can speak to the animals; certain psychics can also tap in to what pets are thinking and feeling. The good news is, with a little practice, you too can establish a ... read more
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