Search Results for: meaning of


Acupuncture, which comes from the Latin words acus meaning needle and pungere meaning prick, is better known as needle therapy. Yup, that's right... needles! I know, many of you recoil at ... read more

A Fear Free Life

Are you ruled by your fears? Are the boundaries of your world, your possibilities and your dreams hemmed in by your fears? If your fear is keeping you from living a full life, it's time to get serious and ... read more

Opportunities for Love

Of all the possible transits, perhaps none is so wonderful as Venus and Jupiter hooking up. For centuries this date has been prized by astrologers as one that they could recommend to their clients as an ... read more

Call Back Your Energy

Your energy has the uncanny ability to transport itself through space and time. Every time you have a thought your energy follows. So if you love someone you send them energy. If you're angry you also send ... read more

Harvest This!

In cultures throughout the world, it is celebrated as a time of prosperity, unity and celebration. The harvest moon, the first full moon after the autumnal equinox, typically rises in the middle of ... read more

Hot History

People have loved through the ages. Why is it then that so little is known about the subject? Countless books have been written and still no one knows anything for sure. It may be because every love ... read more

Trust Your Gut

The third chakra, which corresponds to our solar plexus, is situated above the navel in the softest part of our torso. This is where our personal power and sense of individuality resides. This chakra is ... read more

Sweet Revenge

Being dumped is one of the worst feelings on earth. The worst part is knowing that while your ex is off living a fabulous life, you can't stop thinking about them. Here are our top three ways for getting ... read more
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