Search Results for: meditation

Fall Equinox

Are you ready for a shift in your life? With the right intentions, you could be headed for a new path around the time of the Autumnal Equinox, which takes place on September 22, 2009 at 2:19 p.m. PDT. This ... read more

Love Worth Waiting For

Have you ever been in a romantic situation that inspires the well meaning people around you to continuously moan, "Give up," "You're wasting your time," or "They're just not into you!" Yet a voice deep ... read more

The Art of Mindful Walking

Taking a walk to clear your head - putting some distance between you and the things that are stressing you out, at home or at work - even if it's just a quick jog around the block, is a simple way to ease ... read more
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Guardian Angels vs. Spirit Guides

There is a big difference (to me) between Guardian Angels and Spirit Guides. First, Guardian Angels have never been in physical form, having never gone through the birthing process as we know it. Spirit ... read more

Venus Enters Leo

Romance roars into action as Venus transits through Leo the lion from August 26 through September 19, 2009. It's all about taking a chance on love and expressing what's in your heart. It's time to be ... read more

Manage Your Moods

Are your friends as stressed out as you are lately? Well, you're not alone. Web M.D. reports that 30% of Americans are losing sleep because of personal finances, job fears and the economy. CNN cited a ... read more

Moon in Pisces

If you're feeling emotionally wobbly today, it's probably due to some afflictions to Moon in Pisces. Today's Moon-Mars square can make you short-tempered and easily irritated. Plus, a Moon-Uranus ... read more
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