Search Results for: meditation

Living With Joy

We are inspired by those rare individuals who live fully, maximizing their potential and radiating joy. Yet for the rest of us, life encourages a certain frenetic state of mind in large part due to ... read more

Get in Shape

Perhaps you have eaten the last sugarplum and are now, living in the consequences.  The number one resolution for the new year is to hit the gym and get in shape. One can't argue against physical ... read more

Spirituality of the Season

As we troop across acres of parking lots and pile into big box stores crammed with harried and hostile shoppers, it's all too easy to forget the true purpose of the season. But this is a time of year when ... read more

De-Stress in 30 Seconds

Winter. It's at this time of year when many of us wish we could just hunker down on the couch and hibernate until the first crocuses burst from the earth, the heralds of spring. But you don't have to wait ... read more

Become a Morning Person

Time flies, we say. But does it? If you really think about it, time doesn't just drift away or wing off into the sunset without us. Each and every day, we choose how we spend our time, and our choices help ... read more

Call Back Your Energy

Your energy has the uncanny ability to transport itself through space and time. Every time you have a thought your energy follows. So if you love someone you send them energy. If you're angry you also send ... read more

Bridge to a Higher Power

Chakras are energy centers, vortexes or portals within the body that receive, assimilate and transmit life energy. They are deeply connected to our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being. In ... read more

Crystal Power

As you know, we are energy as much as we are physical. Our laughter, our raging passions, the delicate flutter of our lashes and the powerful swing of a baseball bat, all of these originate as chemical or ... read more

Heal Your Heart

The heart is the epicenter of the entire chakra system. It's the core of our being. Therefore, the basic right of the fourth chakra, which is situated in the heart region, is to love and to be loved. By ... read more

Goddess Oya

When you're feeling like you're on the losing end of a situation, when you're feeling too settled and stuck, when you need a release of your purest female energies, you need a lift from Oya, (pronounced ... read more
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