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Ask Your Spirit Guide

I have been dealing with severe anxieties for nearly 17 years now. I feel very guilty about it. Will you ask my spirit guides to help me find the strength to overcome this?

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An Unexpected Prediction

Fear and negatives assumptions can keep us up nights and make us anxious during our days, when we intuitively feel that something is about to happen - but we can't figure out exactly what it is. In these ... read more

Stop The Insanity

Our tendency when we feel overwhelmed is to want to address it all... and right now! But by choosing one or two areas to work on at a time, we can achieve more, and more easily. If you've bitten off more ... read more

Out of Your Head

Communication is the key to many things in life, and in relationships it's no different. Yet more times than not we can find ourselves guessing about what someone is thinking and feeling, interpreting ... read more
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