Need a Perception Makeover?

Have you noticed lately that your optimism is looking a little dull and limp? Or that your enthusiasm for life is sagging, and may be showing a few gray hairs? If so, it's definitely time for a perception ... read more

Your Day, Your Choice

You wake up on the crabby side of the bed, you bump into the ex that dumped you on Facebook, and your mailbox is overstuffed with past due bills. On the surface any or all of this could make for a bad ... read more

Choose To Be Happy!

When trouble strikes or we fall upon difficult circumstances, we can still make decisions as to how we will chose to live with our new life circumstances. Do we look at the situation as something that has ... read more

Summer of Love

Sultry sun. Decadent drinks. Long, lazy days. Summer is the hottest season of the year, and not just because of the weather. It's almost as if the rules don't apply during these months - everyone's up for ... read more

A New Point of View

Maybe you're in a slump and you run into someone you regard as improbably (and unfairly!) lucky. They have a great job, great spouse, are good looking, successful - and creative to boot! Then you get to ... read more

Bringing Home the Bacon

Saving money can be a difficult task. After paying bills, buying nutritious organic food and getting a full tank of gas, what's left? Sigh. And yet according to MSN Money, we shouldn't blame our savings ... read more
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