Pluto in Capricorn

What if you could know in advance about profound changes headed your way that will transform your life? Would you take some steps to prepare for them? Well, powerful Pluto is making a major shift, so we ... read more

No More Obsessive Thoughts!

Most of us have at one time or another been stuck in an endless loop of obsessive thoughts or feelings - not the clinical version of obsessive-compulsive disorder, but just the plain old kind of obsession ... read more

Release Negative Energy

You may not be aware of it, but sometimes that age-old adage is true: you are your own worst enemy. Oftentimes it's the subtle negative self-talk ("What if I can't..." "I am so stupid!" "I'll never be able ... read more

Nothing Stays The Same

Change is the one true constant in life. It has no boundaries, it challenges us all and it frightens many of us. But without change life is static - we cannot grow and we cannot learn. There is no progress ... read more

Uranus Retrograde

Uranus, the planet of shocks, thrills and enlightenment, can produce some pandemonium in your life when it turns retrograde on June 26, 2008. It will stay there until Thanksgiving. Uranus is all about ... read more

Mantras and Affirmations

While venturing along the paths to making our dreams come true, getting a boost from affirmations, mantras and even love potions certainly can't hurt us. But just how positive and effective are these ... read more
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