Fling Fallout!

We've all been there. You have that killer night out that defies all the norms by serving up an amazing time of dizzying chemistry and connection. Whether it was a one-night or two-month romance ... read more
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Spring Clean Your Sex Life!

Do you find yourself wishing you had more of a sex life or at least a better one? Wondering what others are doing right that you're doing wrong? Well, with the weather heating up and libidos going ... read more
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Sexual Soulmates

Ah, chemistry. There is very little in this world as intense - or wonderful - as mind-blowing sex. When you physically connect with someone so deeply that it feels like getting into bed (or wherever), it's ... read more

Sex-Only Relationships

You say you want a sex-only relationship, a friend with whom you share those very special "benefits." It sounds great in theory, but can it actually work out? In reality, is it possible to separate our ... read more

10 Signs of a Good Match

signs of a good match
We all know what it's like to go shopping and try on loads of different clothes to no avail, but when that one special piece fits like it was made for you, you snatch it up! Finding the right love match ... read more

Attraction by Element

Why does one person get your heart racing and another make you want to run? How can the same person cause you to melt while leaving your best friend cold? Attraction is a complicated thing - unless you ... read more

The Science of Flirting

Flirting is the most natural and baffling process of human interaction. It may seem like an art, but it's a real science - research on flirting shows that long-lasting couples can actually have an ... read more
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