• communication

New Moon in Gemini

Every New Moon is an opportunity to set in motion a new personal cycle. A new moon in Gemini offers you the chance to reclaim your mental space and consider the sacredness of communication. ... read more

Mars and Venus, Indeed

Ever wonder why stress makes a woman feel sick while it makes men more aggressive? Why a long walk will help him calm down, but you need to refocus, rebalance and breathe?LiveScience.com covered a ... read more
  • Uncategorized

5 Keys to a Successful Relationship

Relationships are relentless. Think about it: for most of us, they begin at the end of a struggle - the struggle of searching for someone with whom we click. Then, just when we think the trouble is over, ... read more

Breaking The Ice

People are doing it all the time - at bars, cafes, dog parks and elevators. Ordinary people, not only exceptionally courageous individuals, are approaching and talking to complete strangers. What is it ... read more
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