Elements of Love

With all the other madness in the world, we all know how hard it is to find a compatible love match. So why not use the elements in astrology (air, earth, water, fire) to attract a good one? Use these ... read more

Elements of Love

With all the other madness in the world, we all know how hard it is to find a compatible love match. So why not use the elements in astrology (air, earth, water, fire) to attract a good one? Use these ... read more
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Write a Perfect Love Letter

Looking for a lovely way to say "I love you" this Valentine's Day? You don't need to break the bank - try an old fashioned art instead. Valentine's Day is a holiday where sentiment trumps all. So the best ... read more

Are You Authentic?

To be authentic, according to Merriam-Webster's definition, is to be "true to one's own personality, spirit, or character." Interestingly, it is also "to be worthy of acceptance or belief." But there are ... read more

Just Sleep On It!

No doubt you've heard the old adage "never go to bed angry." Whether applied to an argument with a lover or a spat with your best friend, this particular (and very popular) bit of folklore advises us to ... read more

Learn to Fight Fair

How couples fight and when they fight can speak measures about their relationship. Fighting fair is a sign of mutual respect. It shows the value that each person places on the relationship. Resolving ... read more

Feng Shui Your Love

Clutter creates chaos. It's true at work and it's true at home, so why wouldn't it be true when it comes to matters of the heart? If you don't send out the signal that you're seeking someone special (and ... read more
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