Fall in Love With Exercise

If you've ever had a time of optimal health, you know what it feels like to be in love with exercise. Maybe you were playing on a great team for your favorite sport, or had a particularly long run on a new ... read more

Bust Through Burn Out

Think about the pressure we put on ourselves to fill our fabulous lives with friends and family, making our homes both a sanctuary and a functional living space and, oh yes, an impressive career punctuated ... read more

Get What You Want in Bed

If you think it's impossible to have the sex life you want, think again. With a little extra effort, fun and imagination, you and your partner can deepen your sexual connection. Find our five easy ways to ... read more

Don’t Overdo It!

You know you should exercise for better health. Obvioulsy, it strengthens your immune system, protects you from heart disease, reduces stress and is probably imperative if you want to fit into your ... read more

Stop Sitting!

If you're like the average American, you have a half hour commute to work, then get to the office and spend eight hours at a desk. From there you spend another thirty minutes in the car to get home before ... read more
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