Signs From The Universe

Have you ever mulled over an important choice, such as ending a relationship, only to have a strange "coincidence" or two appear that seemed to point you in the right direction? Perhaps you got into your ... read more

Hitting Rock Bottom

The steamroller of fate has pulverized you and left you flat. Well-meaning friends and co-workers have been telling you that you need to get over it, to move on, to even get a life! Yes, everyone's life ... read more

Marriage Astrology

Can astrology reveal if your relationship is headed for the altar? You bet! Comparing the charts of two lovers will reveal the depth of their feelings for each other - and if they have what it takes to tie ... read more

To Die… Then Live Again

Rowen was heading to his girlfriend's house when his car skidded along the icy road and smashed into a pole. Almost suddenly he felt his spirit leave his body and climb up into the heavens. When he looked ... read more
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